YAM /Yoga Av Matta på Kongens Yoga i Oslo

Lek, latter, alvor, læring, deling, kreativitet og felleskap = yogaaktivisme. Takk til alle som var med og en spesielt stor takk til medinstruktør Lisbeth og hennes studio Kongens Yoga. Hun skriver:

"Can't believe how much fun it has been trying to make the world a better place together with these people this weekend!🙏

For the last two days we have taken yoga off the mat (and a little bit on, which is of course when the best pictures are taken) and looked closer on which tools yoga has to help make ourselves and this planet more sustainable.

Thanks to everybody for creating a space of love, peace, communication, community and joy, and for giving a huge contribution to strengthening the faith in that everything is possible. And who has the power to make the change? Nobody but you and I
